Jesus could mean last by order of: the Greek OT (Malachi is the end book), or the Jewish/Tanakh OT (2Chr is now the end book), or the latest murder before Jesus spoke Mt.23, or Jesus prophesied of a final slaying before the temple destruction in 70 AD. Second, Jesus indicated Zech was the last one slain. Also He.11:4 & 12:24, “The sprinkling of blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.” (Mercy is better than vengeance.) So Jesus too traditionally connected them to Abel.įour criteria are apparent in the accusation or implication of guilt made by Jesus in Mt.23:įirst, Jesus said Zech is the son of Berechiah/ Barachias. But Jewish traditional belief held that innocent bloods (which defiled the land, Nu.35:33) collectively continued to beseech God for justice against their murderers ( Abot. The Lord said to Cain, ‘The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground.” Jerusalem Targum Ge.4:10 paraphrase reads, “The voice of the bloods of the multitude of the righteous that shall spring from Abel thy brother.” Targum Ónkelos “The voice of the blood of the seed that shall rise from thy brother.” The scribes & Pharisees didn’t kill Abel. Ge.4:8-10 “Cain rose up and killed Abel his brother. Why would Jesus link those Jewish leaders to Abel? The first recorded murder in the Bible is well-known. For example 2Ki.24:3-4, wicked King Manasseh of Judah shed much innocent blood.

The Jewish nation put God’s prophets, innocent victims, to death. It seems that Jesus’ words were no idiom. That the blood of all the prophets may be charged against this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who was killed between the altar and the house of God.” O Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets.” Also Lk.11:46-51 is a parallel passage: “Woe to you lawyers. That upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on the earth from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariáh, the son of Berechiáh , who you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. I am sending you prophets some of them you will kill and crucify. Jesus accused the scribes & Pharisees, “You’re the descendants of those which killed the prophets. Which Zechariah ( Zech) was Jesus referring to specifically? Jesus referred to a Zechariah among those prophets. He said they will kill His prophets and servants. In Mt.23:31-38, Jesus connected Jewish leaders of His day to the murderers of God’s prophets of old. Zechariah is a very common name in the Old Testament ( OT).